1. Over the course of the upcoming year, I hope to accomplish substantial work, potentially taking on honors, resulting in good grades. I hope that the projects throughout the year keep me interested and motivated, in order to produce a good final product. I also hope to become a better worker, both independently and in groups.
2. What I hope to gain from Humanities class my Junior year is a better ability to construct and complete various writing assignments, through the critiquing and drafting process. I also hope to be able to express myself creatively throughout the course of the year, such as will be the case with the photography aspect of the upcoming 'American Icon' project.
3. Something that I do in my life, that I try to do well at, is play instruments. I used to partake in piano lessons, and am now attempting to take up guitar. In both instances, the goal to developing your talent and becoming better is to simply practice your craft.