The two stark viewpoints throughout U.S. history have been Federalist (wanting a strong, centralized government) and anti-Federalist (wanting a less-centralized government, more for state’s rights). One instance in our country’s history when these views have been apparent was during the Civil War. The Civil War was a war between the states that took place between 1861 and 1865, in which the North fought to bring the South back after their attempt to secede from the nation. The South had tried to secede over the issue of state’s rights, and their fight for anti-Federalism was in part a fight for slavery. In the end, the North won, and so did Federalism.
What is federalism?
· A strong central government.
What is anti-federalism?
· Power should be maintained by the states.
In the civil war, which side was which?
· So, the North were Federalists, and the South were anti-Federalists because they didn’t believe the federal government should be able to tell them they shouldn’t hold slaves.
What do you feel is more going on in the U.S. now? Federalism or anti-Federalism?
· I feel that federalism is more prevalent under the Obama administration.
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