As you know, the time we are in right now is being heralded as 'The Great Recession'; nearly eight billion jobs have been lost already. This time of weakness in our economy has led to loss of faith in the Government, and something needs to be done about it. If you want to be popular as a president, and have any hope for re-election next term, you need to start taking steps towards figuring out a solution to this recession. Perhaps, since this current financial crisis is being considered, by many economists, the worst sinces the Great Depression of the 1930's, we should take some hints from the man who helped to get us out of that issue - Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, also known as FDR, was the 32nd President of the United States of America, during a time of economic crisis and world war. He was inaugurated in 1933, during one of the darkest times of the Great Depression, and was liked by the people of the United States so much that he was the only President elected to more than two terms. Roosevelt took many steps to drag the country out of the Great Depression, such as initiating public works programs to get American citizens back on their feet, thus stimulating the economy. Additionally, he proposed and passed regulations to control and stabalize the stock market, and proclaimed a 'Bank Holiday', which halted the collapse of banks. Through these bold steps, among others, FDR was able to help the country through the Great Depression.
Wouldn't you like to be known for something great, such as pulling the United States out of the second greatest financial crisis it has seen? I believe you do, and so you should indeed follow some of the initiatives set by Franklin Roosevelt. You have already passed a bill for Universal Health Care, which is a step in the right direction, in getting this country out of the current recession. It has been said that your defeat of John mcCain in the 2008 Presidential election was the most important victory of a Democratic candidate since 1932; since Franklin Roosevelt. You have the opprutunity, and ability, to pull your country out of the financial crisis it is in. Because of his actions, FDR was re-elected multiple times - whether or not you will be is based on how you respond to this crisis.
Works Cited
Coll, Steve. "The Test : The New Yorker." National and World News, Profiles, Culture, Reviews, Fiction, Poetry : The New Yorker. Nov. 2008. Web. 10 Dec. 2010. <>.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Dec. 2010. <>.
Packer, George. "Obama, the Economic Crisis, and the Democrats : The New Yorker." National and World News, Profiles, Culture, Reviews, Fiction, Poetry : The New Yorker. Web. 10 Dec. 2010. <>.
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